Five research papers have been accepted for the LREC Conference:
Congratulations to the authors!
Complete publication listing: here.
Five research papers have been accepted for the LREC Conference:
Congratulations to the authors!
Complete publication listing: here.
New project “Between the lines – Knowledge-based Analysis of Argumentation in a formal Argumentation Inference System”, funded by the DFG, starts in cooperation between the LiMo under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Anette Frank and the Artificial Intelligence Group at the University Mannheim under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt.
The project aims to uncover missing explanatory links in argumentative texts, to fill in automatically acquired knowledge that makes the structure of the argument explicit and to establish and verify the knowledge-enhanced argumentation structure with a combination of formal reasoning and machine learning.
Maria Becker has received the Best Presentation Award at the Discourse Lab Workshop “Korpustools im Vergleich” in Heidelberg, October 6, 2017. The award was given for her poster presentation “Peace, freedom, security. Context-sensitive analysis of three concepts in the Bundestag debates from March to July 1983. Analyzes with Python”.
Congratulations to Maria Becker for her achievement!
The paper “Detecting annotation noise in automatically labelled data” by Ines Rehbein and Josef Ruppenhofer was selected as an Outstanding Paper at ACL 2017.
The paper will be presented on Wednesday, August 2, at 11:00h.