The following student theses have been completed within the Leibniz ScienceCampus “Empirical Linguistics and Computational Language Modeling”.
Bachelor Theses
- Konovalova, Ana: Anonymization of Corpora of Internet-Based Communication, 2018 (Viviana Nastase)
- Schneider, Rudolph: Part-of-Speech Tagging for Classical Chinese, 2018 (Ines Rehbein)
- Weidler, Tonio: Neural Networks for Extractive Timeline Summarization, 2018 (Katja Markert)
- Bacher, Maximilian: Semi-Automatic Detection of new Spelling Variants for German, 2017 (Andreas Witt).
- Birkenkamp, Alexander: Graphenbasierte Erkennung Deutscher Idiome
im Kontext, 2017 (Katja Markert). - Boteva, Vera: A discovery of distant connections between diseases and foods from the nutritional domain, 2017 (Viviana Nastase).
- Burst, Sebastian: Graph-basierte Verfahren für WSI / WSD, 2017 (Anette Frank).
- Fenrich, Nicole: Extraktion und Klassifikation kausaler Verben des Deutschen auf Basis multilingualer Daten, 2017 (Ines Rehbein).
- Heilmann, Mira: Crosslinguales Dependenzparsing ohne parallele Daten, 2017 (Ines Rehbein).
- Wilm, Rebecca: Extraktion von Affixoidkandidaten aus Korpora, 2017 (Josef Ruppenhofer).
- Hering, Jan Mirko: Domänenadaptive Sprachmodellierung im Kontext der Spracherkennung, 2016 (Yannick Versley).
- Feldhus, Nils: An in-depth investigation on timeline summarization evaluation, 2016 (Katja Markert)
- Klowersa, Miriam: Automated creation of sense-level sentiment lexica for German, 2016 (Katja Markert).
- Nicholas, Dustin: Ein Ansatz für überwachtes Lernen in der Normalisierung historischer Texte, 2016 (Yannick Versley).
- Rudolf, Kai-Fabian: Annotation impliziter semantischer Rollen mit lokalen SRL Modellen, 2016 (Anette Frank).
- Steen, Julius: Using Semantic Relations to Explain Coherence in Argumentative Text, 2016 (Vivi Nastase).
- Ulmer, Dennis: Analysen der Relationsvorhersage im Deutschen mithilfe von Wortvektorrepräsentationen, 2016 (Viviana Nastase).
- Wolter, Isabell: Irony Recognition in German Twitter with the Help of User Data, 2016 (Katja Markert).
- Cramer, Catarina: A Graph-Based Method for linking GermaNet Verbs to FrameNet, 2015 (Anette Frank).
- Gerhard, Julian: Genre Adaptive Optimization of Normalization Algorithms, 2015 (Yannick Versley).
- Gorski, Damian: Unsupervised Induction of Domain-Specific Narrative Schemas, 2015 (Anette Frank).
- Grimm, David: Verbesserte Lemmatisierung in domänenfremden Texten, 2015 (Yannick Versley).
- Kirilin, Angelika: Crosslinguale Analyse von Parserverhalten mittels Graphmotiven, 2015 (Yannick Versley).
- Opitz, Juri Alexander: Tracing Players and Themes in the Regesta Imperii, 2015 (Anette Frank).
- Ruder, Sebastian: Construction and Analysis of an Emotion Proposition Store, 2015 (Anette Frank,).
- Zhou, Mengfei: Cross-lingual Semi-Supervised Modality, Tagging, 2015 (Anette Frank).
Master Theses
- Fritz, Devon: Simplifying Texts: Contextual Constraints on Modifier Deletion, 2017, MA Thesis (Anette Frank).
- Grimm, David: Commonsense Relation Classification with Textual Evidence and Long Short-Term Memories along Shortest Dependency Paths, 2017, MA Thesis (Anette Frank).
- Zhou, Mengfei: Using Knowledge Graph for Targeted Information Extraction, 2017, MA Thesis (Vivi Na
- Haider, Thomas: Experiments towards a functional stylistics for text genre classification in german and english, 2016 (Alexis Palmer).
- Placzek, Jonas: Crowdsourcing for phenomenon-based Active Learning: A Pilot Study on Annotators’ Behavior, 2016 (Yannick Versley).
- Bingel, Joachim: Instantiation and Implementation of a Corpus Query Lingua Franca, 2015 (Andreas Witt).
- Haas, Michael: Weakly Supervised Learning for Compositional Sentiment Recognition, 2014 (Yannick Versley).